Reduce panama disease with biosea boost liquid seaweed fertilizer. Trials have shown areas with high level of disease respond and crop yields improve.
Category: Biostimulants
Liquid seaweed fertilizer is called plant biostimulant as the plant growth regulators help the plant use macro nutrients
Increase Rice Yields 55% with Biosea Boost
Rice field trials on the use of a carrageenan plant growth regulator (CPGR) in Brgy. Balatong have increased crop harvest by more than 65 percent.
Plant Growth Biostimulants
Newly developed natural products are offered to growers every day. Depending on the type of product, the label claims can include increased insect and disease resistance, increased water use efficiency, higher plant quality and longer shelf life.
Homemade Seaweed Fertilizer
Homemade liquid seaweed works. For those without access to seaweed, use BioSea Boost for yourself. This video shows a home made process
Plant Biostimulant Market is Growing
Plant Biostimulant is a $1.5Billion market with opportunities to grow to $5Billion. But seaweed liquid fertilizer will need to move to broad agriculture from its existing organic and niche markets
Organic Fertilizers – Plant Biostimulants
Seaweed is a great source of nutrients and plant growth regulators for use in plant biostimulants. Natural, organic